
Qu'est ce que la Géo-Anthropologie ? Qu'est-ce que l'anthropologie pluraliste ?

232 Articles et livres citant des travaux de Denis Duclos

Desenvolvimento e natureza : estudos para uma sociedade sustentável
• Cristiane Gomes
...-Hall. CRAMER, D. et al. (1990). Clean technology . Industry and Environment, v. 13, n. 1-2 (UNEP).DUCLOS, D. (1990). Les industries et les risques pour l'environnement. Paris, Hermattan. HIGGINS, J. (1994). ...

Beck U., World Risk Society, London, SAGE, 1999, Review.
• Jérôme FERRET

... siècle : de nouveaux modes de régulation s’imposent », Passages, n°93/94, 34 hiver 1998, p. 34-35.DUCLOS (D.), 1996, « Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque », L’année sociologique, vol. 46, n°2, p. 30...

La résurgence des anciens rituels de demande de la pluie en contexte de réchauffement climatique
• Sadia Cherif
...9. [2] Eldin, M. and Milleville, P. Le risque en agriculture. Editions de l'ORSTOM, City, 1989. [3] Duclos, D. La construction sociale du risque: le cas des ouvriers de la chimie face aux dangers industriels. ...

Tourism and Terrorism Studium Press.pdf
• Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Korstanje, M E Tourism and Terrorism. 2016. New Dehli, Studium Press. Maximiliano Korstanje is a world-renowned expert in the topical area of tourism and terrorism. In the past, I had the privilege of associating with him on various research projects in this domain. I have observed his unstoppable appetite for seeing the things that the traditional gatekeepers of knowledge do not want us to see, which has resulted in the identification of subliminal structures and latent processes 'behind the scene'. This book will serve as a significant source of reference for everyone interested in studying the undertones entwining tourism and terrorism. (Babu George, PhD Fort Hays State University, US) In ‘Tourism and Terrorism’, Maximiliano E. Korstanje provides a thorough assessment of terrorism and the impacts on the tourism industry. The book even covers the recent terrorist attacks in France. Overall, this book provides a very credible overview of all the challenges related to terrorism. It is definitely a useful book for students, academics and practitioners.” (Dr Hugues SERAPHIN, Programme Leader Event Management- The University of Winchester UK) Dr. Maximiliano Korstanje is one of Latin America’s great thinkers. Korstanje challenges his readers to both expand their range of academic vision and to think outside of the box. His new book Tourism & Terrorism is no exception to this rule. This book is a valuable intellectual tool for both scholars and practitioners. It challenges the reader’s basic assumptions and provokes his readers to enter into a dialogue with some of the greatest and perhaps controversial minds of the last and current century. It also provides tools to understand future challenges. This book is essential rendering for anyone interested in the fields of tourism and terrorism and how they overlap. (Dr. Peter Tarlow, Texas A&M University US) "Tourism and terrorism appear at first view to be complete opposites although, increasingly, terror appears at tourism sites. Furthermore, many tourists visit sites of terror when they partake in so-called dark tourism. In this book, Max Korstanje examines the different facets involved, bringing in contemporary elements such as the events in Paris in 2015. For anybody interested in examining how events inter-relate, this book provides an academic viewpoint". (Graham Busby, Plymouth University UK)
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...R.E. (1986). “Terrorism and the media: A rhetorical genre”. Journal of Communication, 36(1): 12–24.Duclos, D. (1987). “Le Risque: Une construction sociale?”. En J. Fabiani, y J Thyes. La Societeé Vulnerable. ...

• Arnaud Derbey
...PUISSANCE ET FAIBLESSE DU CONCEPT DE RISQUE Author(s): Denis DUCLOS Source: L'Année sociologique (1940/1948-), Troisième série, Vol. 46, No. 2, Études sur le risque et...

The Repair of a Machine Breakdown that Turned into the Repair of a Shop
• Cynthia Colmellere
This article aims to deepen our understanding of repair work in sociotechnical systems. It is based on three main bodies of literature, which are specifically attentive to materiality: STS studies on repair, studies of breakdowns and technological change in organisation studies and the sociology of work, and occupation studies in industrial workplaces. The present case study deals with a repair of a material device that is used by managers to repair the shop's organization and restore their authority in the workplace. However, this attempt to repair the shop jeopardizes the repair of the machine. It reveals that the repair of socio-technical system combine different lines of repair – material and organisational, mundane and trans-formative – which are for some of them complementary, divergent for others .
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...s hommes et les machines. La conscience collective dans les sociétés technicisées, Paris, Métailié.Duclos, D. (1991) Les industriels et les risques pour l’environnement, Paris, L’Harmattan. Francfort, I., Ost...

¿Qué espacio para lo “nacional” en el comercio globalizado de leche?
La globalización ha significado un crecimiento de los flujos comerciales a escala mundial resultando en la creación de una “economía—m ” (Braudel, 2014), que implica un vínculo creciente entre los diversos países y localidades. Los flujos del comercio mundial se han multiplicado, mientras que las barreras al comercio internacional han disminuido bajo el efecto de políticas de instituciones internacionales, como la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC) (Millet & Soler, 2001). Desde diferentes localidades se han generado respuestas en contraflujo que privilegian el comercio a través de circuitos cortos en escalas locales y regionales (Da Silva, 2009), especialmente para los productos agroalimentarios. Se ha generado así estrategias de valoración de la producción asociado a los terruños (terroirs) y a los saberes locales (Moity—Maïzi, 2001). En este panorama, el rol del Estado en la formulación de políticas para el abastecimiento alimentario y el desarrollo de la producción agroalimentaria es poco visibilizado, a pesar de que su acción en muchos casos continúa siendo fundamental e incluso se ha incrementado (Llambí, 2000). El caso ecuatoriano muestra un Estado que, al menos en la normativa, ha intentado posicionarse como un regulador y un actor fundamental en el desarrollo agroalimentario (Hidalgo, 2017). Las normativas instauradas a partir de la Constitución de 2008, la cual determina que la soberanía alimentaria es uno de los objetivos fundamentales del Estado, subrayan el rol de la producción nacional para el consumo interno. En este contexto, el presente artículo pretende analizar en qué medida los sectores productivos se pueden construir como sistemas al interior de los Estados—nación, a pesar de la globalización creciente. Para ello, se analiza el caso de uno de los sectores agroalimentarios que en los últimos años ha llamado la atención justamente por su globalización: el sector lechero (Wiley, 2007). En la primera parte se hablará sobre la globalización del sector lechero. En la segunda, se analizarán brevemente las estrategias de aprovisionamiento de productos lácteos construidas por los países enfocándose sobre todo en el origen interno o externo de la leche consumida. En una tercera parte se analiza el rol de las políticas en la construcción nacional del sector lechero para lo cual es necesario un cambio de escala pasando al caso ecuatoriano. Finalmente se presentarán las conclusiones del presente estudio.
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...ntidad profunda de Estados Unidos. Los crímenes de odio, como síntomas de una sociedad fragmentada. Denis Duclos. Sociólogo, director investigaciones del CNRS. 37 Huntington, S. P. (1998). Intereses nacionales de...

The connection between sedentary way of working with low back pain
• Elvis Mahmutovic
... choice: “The outstretched arm” or “arm bent S-shaped” under the swimmer, by interviews (Y.Meynaud;Duclos D.1996) professional supervisors or volunteers before tests their competitors and we competitors are ...

Governare il futuro. Materiali per una sociologia giuridica del rischio
• Giuseppe Campesi
L’articolo analizza i modi in cui il diritto ha funzionato quale serbatoio di categorie teoriche per pensare il rischio, nonché quale strumento istituzionale per governarlo. Esso illustra come tale funzione di gestione dei rischi sociali abbia inciso sulle categorie giuridiche classico-liberali, dando luogo all’emergere di una serie di tecnologie di sicurezza i cui caratteri e le cui funzioni sono discussi in dettaglio. L’evoluzione di queste ultime è messa strettamente in relazione con i mutamenti che hanno investito gli orientamenti politico-economici della società moderna e le correlative strategie di controllo sociale. L’analisi si conclude con una disamina dei tratti fondamentali del “patto securitario” moderno nel corso della quale viene discusso il significato politico complessivo assunto dal processo di progressivo orientamento al rischio dei sistemi giuridici.
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...ensic Resource. Dedalus, 119, 4: 1 ss. —, [1992] 1996. Rischio e colpa. Tr. it. Bologna: Il Mulino. Duclos, Denis, 1996. Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque. L’Année sociolo- gique, 46, 2: 309 ss. Esposito...

Antropologia e nutricao um dia - Ana Maria Canesqui
• Gabi Lacerda el caso de Andalucía. Sevilla: Instituto de Desarrollo Regional, Fundación Universitaria, 2000.DUCLOS, D. Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque. L'Année Sociologique, 46(2):309-337,1996. DEMUTH, G L...

Banks, J. (2015) 'The Heartbleed Bug: Insecurity Repackaged, Rebranded and Resold', Crime, Media, Culture, 11, 3: 259-279
• James Banks
The emergence of a post-industrial information economy shaped by and around networked communication technology has presented new opportunities for identity theft. In particular, the accidental leakage or deliberate harvesting of information, via either hacking or social engineering, is an omnipresent threat to a large number of commercial organisations and state agencies who manage digital databases and sociotechnical forms of data. Throughout the twenty-first century the global media have reported on a series of data breaches, fuelling anxiety among the public concerning the safety and security of their personal and financial data. With concern outpacing reliable information, a reassurance gap has emerged between the public’s expectations and the state’s ability to provide safety and security online. This disparity presents a significant opportunity for a commercial computer crime control industry that has sought to position itself as being able to offer consumer citizens the antidotes for such ills. This paper considers how neoliberal discourses of cybercrime control are packaged, branded and sold, through an examination of the social construction of the Heartbleed bug. It demonstrates how security company Codenomicon masterfully communicated the vulnerability, the product of a simple coding error, through its name, a logo and an accompanying website, in turn shaping news coverage across the mainstream media and beyond.
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...M. (2002) Purity and danger: An analysis of the concepts of pollution and taboo. London: Routledge.Duclos, D. (2005) 'Everyone under control: On the cultivation of fear' Available at:

Blue Lit Stage. Realtà e rappresentazione mediatica della tortura
• Simona Pezzano
• Manolo Farci
Nel 2004 la circolazione mondiale delle foto di Abu Ghraib ha mostrato una inedita relazione tra spettacolarità e tortura. Emersa dalle segrete delle prigioni, la tortura diviene nella storia moderna una pratica che non attiene più solo al silenzio disciplinante del potere, ma alla visione indisciplinata dei consumi. Tutto si confonde nella rete: le umiliazioni del carcere iracheno con le pubblicità sado-chic di Vogue, le raccapriccianti immagini catturate con i videofonini dai soldati americani con la pornografia amatoriale, i corpi straziati delle vittime di torture con le sperimentazioni estreme della body art. I contributi presenti in questo volume, arricchito da un’ampia scelta di immagini, tracciano nuove prospettive d’analisi sul complesso fenomeno della tortura e sul modo in cui i media occidentali l’hanno mostrata.
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...sophy, Liguori, Napoli. Codeluppi V. (2007), La vetrinizzazione sociale, Bollati Boringhieri, 2007. Duclos D. (1996), Capitalismo e autofagia. Le monde Diplomatique. il Manifesto, Settembre. Farci M. (2005), ...

"L'imaginaire écologique", Terrain, n° 60 (2013)
• Vanessa Manceron

...s de tourner en rond. coll. « Bibliothèque de philosophie ». Léger danièle & bertrand Hervieu, 1979Duclos denis, 1996 Le Retour à la nature. Au fond de la forêt, l’État, Boltanski luc & laurent Thévenot, 1991 Na...

Landscape Project Teaching and the Effect of Surprise: An Experience in Lisbon
• Maria João Matos

...strielle, Bruxelles, July, pp. 222-245. The development of new environmental sociologies (landscapeDuclos D, 1993. De la civilité, La découverte, Paris. [About Civility]. ecology, landscape managing, social ...

Les usages gouvernementaux des sondages d’opinion
• Nicolas Kaciaf
Les études d’opinion dites « confidentielles » suscitent une faible curiosité de la part des chercheurs, des intellectuels, des journalistes ou de tout autre protagoniste du débat public. Bien que la commande gouvernementale de sondages soit initiée dès le milieu des années 1960, on sait peu de choses sur la production, la réception et l’appropriation de ces enquêtes confidentielles. Ces dispositifs de commande et d’analyse des sondages au sein même des principales institutions politiques suscitent alors rumeurs et fantasmes : l’omniscience supposée des gouvernants induirait automatiquement leur omnipotence. Cet article vise à introduire des pistes de réflexion, principalement nourries par une expérience professionnelle passée au sein du Service d’information du gouvernement qui a pu m’offrir un terrain d’observation privilégié. Il s’agit en particulier d’analyser les données sondagières comme des ressources autorisant leurs détenteurs à se poser en porte-parole de « l’opinion » et ainsi peser dans les rapports de forces à l’intérieur de la machinerie gouvernementale. La connaissance, quantitative et qualitative, de « l’opinion publique » apparaît en effet comme une nécessité structurelle pour les gouvernants des systèmes représentatifs contemporains. Elle offre l’opportunité d’amoindrir les incertitudes qui encadrent l’activité de ceux qui prétendent conquérir, exercer et conserver le pouvoir d’État. Ce capital sondagier nécessite néanmoins d’importants investissements financiers et organisationnels qu’il importe de décrire. Ces données de cadrage permettront ensuite de montrer que l’accès aux ressources sondagières constitue un véritable enjeu de pouvoir au sein des instances gouvernementales. Mais, contrairement aux apparences, cet enjeu ne tient ni à l’avantage stratégique, ni aux opportunités d’action qu’offrirait la détention des données d’enquête dans la compétition politique. Malgré les coûts engagés, les études demeurent souvent superficielles, ambigües et, surtout, réduites à quelques informations synthétiques et peu significatives. L’équivocité des résultats confèrent aux sondages des vertus « magiques ». Comme n’importe quel secret, les données sondagières érigent leurs possesseurs en initiés. Elles ne sont jugées importantes et elles n’octroient de l’importance à ceux qui y accèdent qu’en raison des efforts accomplis pour en conserver l’exclusivité.
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... Manuel anti-sondages. La démocratie n’est pas à vendre, Montreuil : La ville brûle, 2011, p. 27. 2DUCLOS Denis, MEYNAUD Hélène, Les Sondages d’opinion, Paris : La Découverte, 1995. 3 On trouve néanmoins quelque...

Dualismos antiguos y contemporáneos en América Latina y Asia: productividad laboral, competitividad internacional y distribución del ingreso
• Hubert Escaith
Un análisis sectorial de la productividad laboral permite comparar la competitividad entre economías asiáticas y latinoamericanas en los últimos 20 años. Los aspectos sistémicos de esta competitividad global resultan ser más determinantes que las ganancias de productividad industrial. Las divergencias estructurales se explican parcialmente por las ventajas comparativas en recursos naturales de ambas regiones, que han resultado en una sobrevaloración cambiaria en América Latina y una menor competitividad nominal. El artículo concluye con algunas direcciones de políticas productivas en AL, incluyendo el potencial de los servicios y la revitalización del desarrollo rural.
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...York. Dourlens, C. et al. (1991), Conquête de la sécurité, gestion des risques, París, L’Harmattan.Duclos, D. (1996), “Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque”, en L’Année sociologique, 46, núm. 2, París....

• Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Korstanje M 2017. The Cultural Roots of Risks: how mobilities and risk work in underdeveloped Countries. International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management (IJRCM). Volume 6, Issue 1. Article 2. March 2017 (pp 1-13). at SUNY at Plattsburgh, & IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, US. ISSN 2160-9624
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...e selection of technological and environmental dangers. California: University of California Press.Duclos, D. (1987). Le Risque: une construction sociale? In J. Fabiani, & J Thyes (Eds.), La Societeé Vulnerab...

La configuratività territoriale, bene comune
• Angelo Turco
• Marco Maggioli
• Claudio Arbore

...ppure come una mera combinazione di leggi fisiche, almeno dal big bang in poi. 8 L’espressione è di D. Duclos, Natura e democrazia delle passioni, Dedalo, Bari, 2000, che così continua: “Non di ogni natura: di...

Χαιρετάκης ΜΜΕ διαφήμιση και κατανάλωση
• Emmanuel Heretakis
...κή 31 Ιανουαρίου 2010, σελ. 60-61.Για το θέμα των διαφορετικών απόψεων και την διασπορά τους, βλέπε Duclos,D. «Η ανάγκη της πολυφωνίας» Ελευθεροτυπία—Le Monde Diplomatique, Νο 106, Κυριακή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2000...

Politique de la responsabilité : promesses et limites d'un monde fondé sur l'autonomie
• Luca Pattaroni
Cette thèse analyse les implications politiques et morales de la place prédominante accordée dans notre société à l’autonomie et à la responsabilité. Elle offre ainsi un traitement sociologique des questions centrales de la philosophie morale et politique. Une approche historique présente les processus qui ont placé la figure d’un individu autonome et responsable au cœur de la régulation de la société, à la croisée des efforts d’émancipation, de justice et de protection. Une approche théorique, s’inspirant d’une sociologie pragmatique, replace la responsabilité parmi différentes modalités du rapport à l’autre (sollicitude, solidarité) nécessaires à la composition d’une société juste et bonne. Deux enquêtes empiriques - concernant le travail social de proximité et les squats genevois – révèlent les capacités nécessaires pour être responsable ainsi que l’importance et les limites de la responsabilité dans l’organisation du vivre ensemble. La thèse se conclut sur les rapports délicats entre le libéralisme et le pluralisme.
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... Le Bateau, Genève, Les Editions IES. 642 Dubet F., 2002, Le déclin de l'institution, Paris, Seuil. Duclos D., 1996, "Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque", L'année sociologique, 46, 2, 309-337. Dumont...

Thèse de sociologie Pourtau Lionel 2005 : Frères de son
• Lionel Pourtau
...souris. Et puis on n’attaque pas des 61 62 ANZIEU D., Le groupe et l’inconscient, Dunod, 2003, p207DUCLOS D., Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque, L’année sociologique, 1996, Vol 46, p314 445 Les int...

The Commodification of the Criminal Corpse: 'Selective memory' in Posthumous Representations of Criminal
• Jack Denham
...ronics. In N. Rothfels, Representing Animals (pp. 159- 179). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.Duclos, D. (1998). The Werewolf Complex: America's Fascination with Violence. Oxford: Berg. Dyer, R. (1999). ...

Merging video coaching and an anthropologic approach to understand health care provider behavior toward hand hygiene protocols
Background: We used videorecordings of routine care to analyze health care providers' deviance from protocols and organized follow-up interviews that were conducted by an anthropologist and a nurse. Methods: After consent, health care workers were recorded during routine care by an automatic video remote control. Each participant was invited to watch her or his recorded behaviors on 2 different videos showing routine practices and her or his deviance from protocols, and to comment on them. After this step an in-depth interview based on preestablished guidelines was organized and explanations regarding the observed deviance was discussed. This design was intended to reveal the HCWs' subjectivity; that is, how they perceive hand hygiene issues in their daily routine, what concrete difficulties they face, and how they try to resolve them. Results: We selected 43 of 250 videorecordings created during the study, which allowed us to study 15 out of 20 health care professionals. Twenty out of 43 videos showed 1 or more breaches in the hand hygiene protocol. The breaches were frequently linked to glove abuse. Deviance from protocols was explained by the health care workers as the result of an adaptive behavior; that is, facing work constraints that were disconnected from infection control protocols. Professional practices and protocols should be revisited to create simple messages that are adapted to the mandatory needs in a real life clinic environment.
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...990;38:465-83. 18. Beck U. Risk Society. Towards a new modernity. London, UK: Sage Press; 1992. 22.Duclos D. La construction sociale du risque: le cas des ouvriers de la chimie face 19. Oakes W, Chapman S, B...

Subcontratación, productividad y riesgos en la industria forestal uruguaya
• Francisco Pucci
....; Theys J.; Vidal-Naquet P.A., Conquête de la sécurité, gestion des risques, (Paris: L'Harmattan,)Duclos, D. 1996 “Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque”. L'Année sociologique, 46 (Paris) N. 2 Fadier E...

International Law and the Public/Private Law Distinction
• Jhon Anderson
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studics and Research in partial fuifiimnt of the requiremcnts of the degrce of Master of Laws @LM.) at
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...hrough random h g sampIe surveys, psychological and medical tests, and the use of lie detcctoa; seeD. Duclos, "Gr[inde fiir den fongesetzten Angriffda Privaien auf das Rivate" TAZ(I3 August 1999) 10, onlme: L...

• Christian Olsson

...urité : Dillon, Waever, Williams et les autres », Cultures et Conflits, n°31, automne-hiver 1998. • Duclos (Denis), « Les déplacements de la menace (fé-) néantise du nord par le nord », Cultures et Conflits, n° 2,...

Movimenti, frontiere e fratture mediterranee [ Mediterranean movements, borders and fractures], Mimesis, Milano, 2007
• Marco A . Pirrone

... contemporaneo, op. cit., p. 203. 210 B. Amoroso, Della globalizzazione, op. cit., p. 90. 211 Cfr., D. Duclos, La nascita dell’iperborghesia, in “Le monde diplomatique”, set- tembre, 1998, pp. 18-19. 98 Movime...

Understanding Risks in Socially Vulnerable Contexts: the Case of Waste Burning in Cement Kilns in Brazil
• Marcelo Firpo Porto
...t, M., 2000. Revisiting the Concept of Vulnerability. Social Science and Medicine 50 (11), 1557-70.Duclos, D.,1989. Le Peur et les Savoirs: la Societé Face à la Science, la Technique et leurs Dangers, Edition...

n°17-18. L'HISTOIRE SOCIALE EN DÉBAT. Jacques Maurice (coord.)
• Bulletin d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Espagne Journal

...ance», in Population, Secció Història Econòmica: n° 6, págs. 863-880. Nivells de vida à Espanya, s.DUCLOS, D., 1984: La santé et le XIX y XX. UAB, Barcelona, travail. La Découverte, Paris. vol. I, págs. 57-66...

Bauman Trabajo consumismo y nuevos pobres1
• David Ramírez
...2. M. Woollacott (1997) “Bosses must learn to behave better again ”, The Guardian, l4 de junio. l3. D. Duclos (l997) “La cosm ocratoie, nouvelle classe planetaire ”, Le Monde Diplomatique, agosto, pp. 14-15. l...

PII: S0014-3855(01)90127-6
• Cha Hubert
...nce des rapports sociaux.. . J’ai moi-meme repris, a la suite du travail extremement convaincant deDenis Duclos [ 141, un certain nombre de ses hypotheses : ~ c’est d’abord la minceur du vernis culture1 et histo...

• Cláudia Bachot
...9 - 149. Drummond, J.A. Devastação e preservação ambiental no Rio de Janeiro. Niterói, EDUFF, 1997.Duclos, D. Nature as a cultural necessity: state of the art (Is there anything new of the nature-culture fore...

The archetype of Death, Dying in holidays is not cool
• Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Korstanje 2014 The Archetype of Paradise: dying in holidays does not sound cool. Revista de Turism. Issue 18. Decembre 2014. (pp 23-29). Disponible en Tourism Studies and Researches. Trade Tourism Department of Economic Sciences and Public Administration Faculty. Stefan Cel Mare University, Rumania. ISSN 1844-2994.
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... C.B. (1995). Marketing paradise, making nation. Annals of Tourism Research, 22(2), pp. 404-421. 6.Duclos, D. (1987). Le Risque: une construction sociale? En J. Fabiani, y J Thyes. La Societeé Vulnerable. Par...

Aylin Aydoğan- Yeni İletişim teknolojileri Tezlerinde Neo-Klasik İktisat Paradigmasının Hegemonyası
• Kültür ve İletişim Dergisi

..."ltıernio Joırml ofCıltrn Stıdies 7 (1): 21-32. talşıkrn gözlemlemek mümkündür. Kendisini gerçek veDuclos,Denis (1999). "LaVie Privee Traqueepar les Technologies."Le gerçeklikle kurdğ ilşk bakımnd sıradn olarak ...

TOURISM IN A NEW BRAVE WORLD: From the Inflation of Risk towards the Stock and Market Crisis
• Maximiliano E. Korstanje
The recent inflation of risks together the stock and market crises that shocked the world suggest that tourism has been stagnated over recent years. If tourism served to facilitate globalization, it is clear how a much deeper process of re-feudalization emerged. If our grandparents enjoyed holidays after hard work, we ask for financial loans to access the dream destinations. The exhaustion of economy is based not only on the exploitation of capitalist system, but in its collapse. This essay review explores the end of tourism as it has been formulated by Urry and Gale under the lens of scrutiny, but keeping in mind that Empires and tourism were historically intertwined.
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1 recommendation
...leisure travel, tourists fears as marketing basis”. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 11 (3): 197-208.Duclos, D. (1987). “Le Risque: une construction sociale?”. En J. Fabiani, y J Thyes. La Societeé Vulnerable. ...

Curiosité ou engagement ? Panorama historique du rôle des chercheurs en sciences sociales dans la gestion des « aspects sociaux » du nucléaire
• Grégoire Lits
Dans l’article « Sociologists Should Reconsider Nuclear Energy » paru en 1978, le sociologue américain Otis Dudley Duncan voyait dans l’émergence des mouvements antinucléaires et du « problème de l’acceptabilité sociale » une opportunité pour les sociologues de prendre part aux processus de décision publique en matière d’énergie et de nucléaire. Plus précisément, il critiquait la qualité des savoirs émergeant sur ces phénomènes, tant les approches psychométriques balbutiantes à l’époque, qui visaient, et visent toujours, à identifier quantitativement les déterminants de la constitution des opinions antinucléaires, que les propositions d’analyses sociologiques des « aspects sociaux » du nucléaire réalisées directement par des scientifiques et ingénieurs du secteur. Il proposait donc aux sociologues de se saisir du problème de l’énergie nucléaire et de développer un savoir solide, basé notamment sur l’analyse interactionniste de la formation des opinions et des controverses initiée par Herbert Blumer et Allan Mazur, réellement apte selon lui à « influencer les choix faits par, ou à la place de, la société ». Cet article propose une étude de la montée actuelle de l’émergence du savoir sociologique comme ressource pour la prise de décision nucléaire.
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... Essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers, University of California Press.Duclos D., 2005, Analyse critique du champ socio-politique des risques techniques et sociaux. Duncan O. D., ...

oscar fernandez 1a
• Oscar José Fernández Galindez

...andez 88 DROUIN, J.M. Reinventar la nature : L’ecologie et son histoire. Paría: Edit. Desclée,1991.DUCLOS, D. La peur et le savoir : la societe face a la science, la technique et leures dangers. París: Edit. ...

Control Social
• Lilian Cavalieri
...tamiento declarado de conflictos y una no menos importante función de legitimación del poder 14. 12Duclos, D., “Nouvelles techniques de fichage et de contrôle. Qui a peur de Big Brother?”, Le Monde Diplomatiq...

La valeur de l'existence en comptabilité : Pourquoi et comment l'entreprise peut (p)rendre en compte des entités environnementales pour « elles-mêmes »
• Alexandre Rambaud
Cette thèse étudie l’intégration systématique d’entités environnementales pour « elles-mêmes » dans la comptabilité générale d’entreprise. Nous resituons premièrement les termes de cette question (Q) dans le cadre des rapports Homme/Nature via une analyse de la Modernité (Latour, 1997). Nous en déduisons trois approches-types de Q : une Moderne Orthodoxe centrée sur l’Objectivation, et rapprochée du Capitalisme (Castoriadis, 2013), incluant notamment la valeur d’existence néoclassique (Krutilla, 1967) – dont nous discutons les modalités, raisons et obstacles pour son incorporation comptable ; une Moderne renvoyant à l’Ethique Environnementale, où les entités non-humaines sont Subjectivées via la valeur intrinsèque ; une a-Moderne Ecologique Relationnelle. Nous montrons ensuite que la ligne narrative centrale de la comptabilité financière « classique » est celle du maintien d’une entité particulière, le « capital », et nous argumentons que trois capitaux différents structurent les théories comptables financières actuelles : le Capital (Capitaliste) Fundiste, le Capital (Capitaliste) Matérialiste (Hicks, 1974) ou le capital-monnaie. De cette analyse ressort l’idée que les différentes notions de résultat comptable sont assimilables à une extension de la notion de profit Hicksien selon Lindhal (Hicks, 1939) à ces trois capitaux. A partir de cette étude, nous proposons une redéfinition de la notion de « capital », apte à l’élargir à des questionnements extra-financiers, et nous construisons un Modèle Comptable Intégratif (MCI), systématisant l’extension des états financiers à tout « capital » ainsi redéfini, à partir du principe de maintien des capitaux. Nous montrons notamment que la valeur d’un capital (financier ou non) peut toujours être appréhendée comme étant égale au coût de maintien (Gray, 1992; Richard, 2012) de ce capital : en particulier, nous relions la notion de valeur actualisée au coût de maintien (non actualisé) du Capital Fundiste. Nous rattachons finalement l’intégration des entités environnementales pour « elles-mêmes », selon chaque approche-type, au maintien de certains « capitaux » (tels que redéfinis) et appliquons le MCI à ceux-ci pour obtenir des modèles comptables (bilans et comptes de résultats) répondant de façon méthodique et systématique à Q. Castoriadis, C. (2013). La “rationalité” du capitalisme. In Quelle Démocratie? Tome 2 - Ecrits politiques 1945-1997 (pp. 627–656). Editions du Sandre. Gray, R. (1992). Accounting and environmentalism: an exploration of the challenge of gently accounting for accountability, transparency and sustainability. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 17(5), 399–425. Hicks, J. R. (1939). Value and Capital: An Inquiry Into Some Fundamental Principles of Economic Theory. Clarendon Press. Hicks, J. R. (1974). Capital Controversies: Ancient and Modern. American Economic Review, 64(2), 307–316. Krutilla, J. V. (1967). Conservation reconsidered. The American Economic Review, 57(4), 777–786. Latour, B. (1997). Nous n’avons jamais été modernes : Essai d'anthropologie symétrique (2e ed.). La Découverte. Richard, J. (2012). Comptabilité et Développement Durable. Economica.
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...). La problématique écologique dans la perspectie d’une sociologie critique de la postmodernité. In D. Duclos (Ed.), Pourquoi tardons-nous tant à devenir écologiste? (pp. 97–134). L’Harmattan. Frey, B. S. (199...

Del poder disciplinari al biopoder. El cas de la sida analitzat a través de la filosofia de Michel Foucault
• Teresa Torra Borràs
... y sida, op. cit., pàg. 154 207 Veure F. Ewald, l’Etat Providence, Bernard Grasset, París, 1986 208 D. Duclos, La societé de raison et le retour du risque, a: D.D.A.A., Conquête de la sécurité. Gestion des ris...

Estética primordial y arte visionario: Un enfoque cíclico-evolutivo comparado. Mérida, Venezuela: Publicaciones del Grupo de Investigación en Estudios de Asia y África (GIEAA)/CDCHT-ULA.
• Elias Capriles

... mental a la secte globale?” (París, Le Monde Diplomatique, agosto de 2000, pp. 24-5), el sociólogoDenis Duclos, director de investigación en el Centre National de Recherche Scientifique en París, además de dest...

La globalización Consecuencias humanas
• jose bazan
...6 distancia: 20-22, 28, 37, 39- Benedikt, Michael: 24-25, 104 40,42-44, 73, 106 Bentham, Jeremy: 66Duclos, Denis: 14-16 Bourdieu, Pierre: 135-138 Dunlap, Albert: 13-15 Brunelleschi, Filippo: 44 Durkheim, Emile: 8...

Landscape and Imagination: towards a baseline for education in a changing worldConference, Paris 2-4 May 2013. UNISCAPE, Florence / Bandecchi & Vivaldi, Pontedera..
• conor newman
• Margherita Vanore
• Agostino De Rosa
• Frederico Canuto
• Matteo G Ballarin
• luis fontes
• Tomás Lapa
• Cora van Oosten
• alessandra calanchi
• Laurence Pattacini
• cristina bragaglia
• veronique zamant
• Jan Schreurs
• Sophia MEERES
• Maria João Matos
Conference proceedings comprising 141 papers arranged under 6 themes: epistemology, history, art,process, science, and governance, from researchers and practitioners from every continent.
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...strielle, Bruxelles, July, pp. 222-245. The development of new environmental sociologies (landscapeDuclos D, 1993. De la civilité, La découverte, Paris. [About Civility]. ecology, landscape managing, social ...

• Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Full Version, A Difficult World, examining the roots of Capitalism. Korstanje M. E (2015) New York, Nova Science
more ▾ y Peligro: un análisis de los conceptos de contaminación y tabú. Buenos Aires, Nueva Visión. P uDuclos, D. (1987). ―Le Risque: une construction sociale?‖ En J. Fabiani, y J Thyes. La Societeé Vulnerable. P...

DESENVOLVIMENTO E NATUREZA: Estudos para uma sociedade sustentável
• Mauricio Tolmasquim
...-Hall. CRAMER, D. et al. (1990). Clean technology . Industry and Environment, v. 13, n. 1-2 (UNEP).DUCLOS, D. (1990). Les industries et les risques pour l'environnement. Paris, Hermattan. HIGGINS, J. (1994). ...

Politique de la responsabilite promesses
• Luca Pattaroni
... Le Bateau, Genève, Les Editions IES. 642 Dubet F., 2002, Le déclin de l'institution, Paris, Seuil. Duclos D., 1996, "Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque", L'année sociologique, 46, 2, 309-337. Dumont...

These Ph Boudes
• Serge Yao
...sociaux et des réactions de ces derniers. Un second sociologue français, Denis Duclos, a marqué l’analyse sociologique du risque, en proposant de penser le...

L'industria petrolchimica nella Valle del Mela: uno studio qualitativo sulla percezione del rischio e gli immaginari, “Quaderni del Cirsdig”, n. 27, 2008.
• Pietro Saitta
This paper discusses the results of a qualitative analysis that deployed focus groups, involving individuals selected among the population of the “Valle del Mela” (that is, the area of Milazzo, in Sicily) in order to investigate customs, images, and perception of risks related to the living condition in a complex industrial area. This survey is part of a broader study on risk perception carried out in the framework of the agreement between the Siclian Government (Ufficio speciale aree a rischio) and the World Health Organization European Region. The area under investigation is characterized by the presence of a large refinery process plants, a power plant and a number of small factories operating in various highly polluting sectors.
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...Transport to the Ocean”, Atmospheric Environment, vol. 10 (11), 989-996 Duclos D. (2002) “I falsi profeti della società del rischio”, Le monde diplomatique/il...

Revisiting the Concept of [] Vulnerability'
• Michel HUBERT
...groups one tried to provide others with radical means of pro- tection. As Denis Duclos (1987:249) puts it, "When one tackles the existence of dangers, accidents...

• Nancy GV
...Made Good Companies Great, Nueva York, Time Books, 1996, pp. 199-200. 2. Denis Duclos, "La cosmocratie, nouvelle classe planétaire", en Le monde diplomatique...

In the Absence of Elders: Chaos and Moral Order in the Aftermath of the Khmer Rouge
• Eve Zucker

...khmer. BEFEO (Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient), 81, 83-96. Duclos, D. (1998). The Werewolf Complex : America's fascination with violence (A...

DeviaAzioni. Devianza, devianze, divergenze, XL, Rome, 2009
• Cirus Rinaldi

...Mary, 1991: Come percepiamo il pericolo (1986), Feltrinelli, Milano. Duclos Denis, 1998: The Werewolf Complex: America’s Fascination with Violence, Oxford...

Entre os riscos e os benefícios – análise da percepção social do risco em duas comunidades mineiras
• Elisabete Figueiredo
Nesta comunicação analisa-se a percepção social do risco em duas comunidades mineiras portuguesas (Panasqueira e Aljustrel). Esta discussão articula-se com o debate actual acerca da integração das preocupações ambientais na exploração mineira, assim como com os impactos desta actividade, essencialmente os associados ao declínio e encerramento da mesma, em termos sociais, económicos e ambientais. À semelhança do que tem sido apontado por diversos autores, a evidência empírica produzida permite concluir que, em termos das percepções sociais das populações locais, os riscos da actividade mineira são minimizados por referência aos benefícios económicos e sociais. Palavras-chave: comunidades mineiras; percepção social de risco; riscos ambientais e socioeconómicos da actividade mineira.
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...em Actas do 7º Congresso da Água, APRH, Lisboa (publicação em CD-ROM). DUCLOS, D. (1987) ”La construction sociale des risques majeurs”, em J. Theys e J...

Implicações cognitivas e sociais da globalização das redes e serviços telemáticos - estudo das implicações da comunicação reticular na dinâmica cognitiva e social da Comunidade Científica Portuguesa
• Lídia Oliveira Silva
The context of this research project centres on the problem of the expanding information service networks on a global scale and the psychosocial implications that this phenomenon is having on the day-to-day life of individuals, groups, institutions, nations and cultures. With this problem as the starting point, a study of a specific community, the Portuguese Scientific Community, was carried out. The study of this community aims to understand the alterations the new global communications network environment brings at the management level for the act of producing, consuming and diffusion of knowledge, namely with the possibility of creating globally distributed interest and research groups. The study of the Portuguese Scientific Community was carried out in two phases. In the exploratory phase, an open answer questionnaire was distributed amongst the Scientific Community of the University of Aveiro, which was followed by an analysis of the content of the answers given. This exploratory phase allowed for a basic comprehension of the phenomenon and the creation of a set of indicators that served as support for the elaboration of the closed answer questionnaire (Likert Scale-type/evaluation scale), which was distributed to those members of the Portuguese Scientific Community with an e-mail address. A restriction was made so as to include only the members of the Portuguese Scientific Community with e-mail addresses and consequently the questionnaire was distributed and responded via electronic means. Moreover, this restriction was feasible due to the fact that having an e-mail address indicated that the individual uses information networks and services and is therefore better prepared to express an opinion on the implications of the Web in the functioning of the community rather than a member having no experience in this phenomenon. On the one hand, the results of the questionnaire trace the typology of use this community makes of the Internet network. On the other hand, it gives access to a representation of the members of the Portuguese Scientific Community who were involved in this study and know about the effects of the use of the information services at the cognitive and social dynamics level of their community. This way a contribution is made towards the acknowledgement of the implications the use of the Internet can have in the day-to-day life of the Portuguese Scientific Community.
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...Sociologie, avril-juin, 1998, XXXIX-2, 391-418. DUCLOS, D. 1989 La peur et le savoir, Paris: La Découverte. DUCLOS, D. 1991 L’Homme face au risque technique, Paris:...

Les stratégies des ressources humaines T R O I S I È M E É D I T I O N
• Meher Boubaker
...360, Camille Tarot. Sondages d’opinion (Les), nº 38, Hélène Meynaud et Denis Duclos. Théorie économique néoclassique (La) : 1. Microéconomie, nº 275, 2....

Dangerous Others, Insecure Societies: Fear and Social Division
• Michalis Lianos

...Hermeneutics (with an afterword by Michel Foucault), Harvester, Brighton. Duclos D., 1996, Puissance et faiblesse du concept de risque, Année Sociologique...

Conflict and the Social Bond
• Michalis Lianos
Is violent conflict inevitable? What is it in our social nature that makes us conduct wars, genocides and persecutions? The answer lies in how we are programmed to bond and form communities that demand loyalty in order to let us belong. The analysis in this book cuts through the social sciences in order to show the fundamentals of violent conflict. The book investigates conflict at the level of sociality. It reorganises existing theories of conflict under that perspective and brings them to bear upon the link between violence and togetherness. It introduces the key concept of closure to describe the conditions under which human groups start to perceive their position as similar and their reality as polarised. This is how normality starts breaking down and fault lines appear. Violent conflict is then analysed as a reaction that seeks change more rapidly than conditions seem to allow. Global comparative data from numerous studies-including M. Mousseau's works-are used to disentangle the factors that contribute to "democratic peace", that is, the fact that democratic societies do not go to war with each other. This inquiry reveals the new dimension of sociodiversity, which allows societies where individuality is strong to constantly produce alternatives and avoid closure. The book concludes with a coda on peace and sociodiversity which explains how contemporary societies can ensure durable peace and adequate social justice at the same time. Written in a clear and direct style, this volume will appeal to students, researchers and scholars with an interest in political sociology, anthropology, international relations or war studies, as well as conflict and peace studies.
more ▾ thank Mansoob Murshed and Tilman Brück for our discussions. I thank Denis Duclos, Catherine Peyrard, Myriam-¬Odile Blin and Martine Blanc for their support...

• Metka Zupancic
European literature of the late twentieth century usually appears as belonging to an atheistic, agnostic, materialistic worldview. In post-World War II France, major literary trends created new ways of thinking and writing that seemingly precluded all metaphysical concerns. The present study focuses on a particular French literary movement called Le Nouveau Roman (The New Novel). A posteriori critical approach nevertheless shows that novels generated by these authors remain deeply rooted in mythology, particularly in mythological ways of thinking. Directly or indirectly, they reactivate the Orphic myth, and more particularly Orphism as a literary tradition in which language becomes the ultimate, the absolute. With other writers from Le Nouveau Roman, Claude Simon (1913-2005), the 1985 Nobel Prize winner, is a typical example of this type of writing and of the aesthetic evolution of a novelist. Simon’s fiction had an enormous impact on contemporary intelligentsia, although it is still considered to be rather hermetic, quite extreme in its deconstruction of the traditional novel. Such a reading of mythical dimensions in Le Nouveau Roman is indebted to Mircea Eliade and Gilbert Durand’s studies of myths and the “imaginary,” as well as the analysis of the Orphic myth by Elizabeth Sewell.
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1 recommendation
...). The Serpent and the Rainbow. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. Kindle edition. Duclos,Denis (2012). “Les Casaniers de l’Apocalypse.” Le monde diplomatique, July. URL: https...

The Urban ~uestion A Marxist Approach
• Benigno C. Balgos
...Government Printing Duclos, Denis, 1973: Proprz'ete fondere et processus d'urbanisation. Paris: Office. CSU...

Emmanuel Combe - La politique de la concurrence.pdf
• Annick GABA
...ville, Jacques Léonard et Christian Hen. nº 331, Yankel Fijalkow. Sondages d’opinion (Les), nº 38, Hélène Meynaud et Denis Duclos. Dictionnaires Stratégies des...

Irene Molina
• Alicia Lindon

...Mujer, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha y Colegio de Arquitectos de Castilla-La Mancha, 1995; 107-117. DUCLOS, Denis. Topologie de la peur. Espaces et Sociétés. París: 1995; 78, 21-44. ENGLAND...

Materialism and the Critique of Energy
• Elmar Flatschart
• Brent Ryan Bellamy
• Adam Broinowski
• Katherine Lawless
• Daniel Worden
• Daniel Cunha
• amy riddle
• David Thomas

..., Jeff 419 and gender 121, 144–150 Dick, Philip K. 387 ecological v–vi, 18–19, 59–61, Duclos, Denis616 111–112, 115–116, 121–123, Dunlap, Riley 564–565 180...

Curricul Engl Indus
• Jean-Philippe Cornélis
..., 2 with Denis Duclos (1999) Qu'est-ce que la Richesse?, with Dominique Meda (2000) Anthropologie du Don, with Alain Caillé (2001) Les Pouvoirs de la...

"Farewell to Growth" (Polity, 2010) By Serge Latouche - Ebook PDF Degrowth
• Federico Demaria
Most of us who live in the North and the West consume far too much - too much meat, too much fat, too much sugar, too much salt. We are more likely to put on too much weight than to go hungry. We live in a society that is heading for a crash. We are aware of what is happening and yet we refuse to take it fully into account. Above all we refuse to address the issue that lies at the heart of our problems - namely, the fact that our societies are based on an economy whose only goal is growth for growth's sake. Serge Latouche argues that we need to rethink from the very foundations the idea that our societies should be based on growth. He offers a radical alternative - a society of 'de-growth'. De-growth is not the same thing as negative growth. We should be talking about 'a-growth', in the sense in which we speak of 'a-theism'. And we do indeed have to abandon a faith or religion - that of the economy, progress and development--and reject the irrational and quasi-idolatrous cult of growth for growth's sake. While many realize that that the never-ending pursuit of growth is incompatible with a finite planet, we have yet to come to terms with the implications of this - the need to produce less and consume less. But if we do not change course, we are heading for an ecological and human disaster. There is still time to imagine, quite calmly, a system based upon a different logic, and to plan for a 'de-growth society'. This little book is a pleasure to read. It is critical, contrarian, informative, and provocative. Latouche advances a coherent set of proposals for reversing the treadmill of an ever-more insistent growth dynamic in favour of a more serene existence based on quality of life, solidarity, and respect for the environment. Bob Jessop, University of Lancaster
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1 recommendation
...University Press. Decrop, Geneviève (2007), 'Redonner ses chances à l'utopie', Utopia 1. Dias, Michel (2006), 'Un Idéalisme politique', Entropia 1. Duclos, Denis (1997), 'Le Cosmocracie, nouvelle classe...

The zombie: a new myth in the making and a political and social metaphor
• Sara Molpeceres
The zombie is a new myth which appeared in Western imaginary in the twentieth century and which gradually evolved into its present-day version: the apocalyptic zombie. This work aims to review the zombie myth’s evolution and to offer some insight into why it is this new version of the myth the one we can find massively today in both artistic and non-artistic discourses.
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.... 165 Davis, Wade (1985). The Serpent and the Rainbow. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. Kindle edition. Duclos, Denis (2012). “Les Casaniers de...

i-polis ebook.pdf
• Susana Finquelievich
I-POLIS. CIUDADES EN LA ERA DE INTERNET Susana Finquelievich Prólogo de Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana Editorial DISEÑO, Buenos Aires ¿En qué se transformó la Sociedad del Conocimiento en los últimos 30 años, con respecto a lo que se esperaba de ella? ¿Qué pasó en las ciudades en esta sociedad informatizada que fuimos construyendo velozmente? ¿Qué temores existían al respecto hace más de tres décadas, y cuáles se cumplieron? ¿Qué expectativas se formulaban? ¿Fueron satisfechas? ¿Qué nuevas tendencias no previstas fueron surgiendo a lo largo de estos años? Este libro aborda estos interrogantes, y sus respuestas, desde un universo particular: las ciudades. Las ciudades son el espacio en el que las tecnologías se crean, se experimentan, se difunden y se re-transforman. Para responderlas, recurrí a fuentes variadas: entrevistas con especialistas, académicos, empresarios, funcionarios gubernamentales, en Argentina, Brasil, España, Israel y Portugal. Una encuesta por e-mail fue respondida por casi un centenar de personas de América Latina y Europa. Pero fundamentalmente, para percibir los temores, esperanzas y escepticismos de los ciudadanos (entendidos como habitantes de las ciudades, con papeles o sin ellos) ante la revolución tecnológica que estaban viviendo, recurrí a productos culturales que traducen estos sentimientos: novelas de ciencia-ficción, películas, series, obras de arte de todo tipo. Una advertencia: este libro es un híbrido. Tan híbrido como lo somos los actuales habitantes de las ciudades, humanos que incorporamos continuamente tecnología a nuestros cuerpos y cerebros y que nos volvemos cada vez más ciborgs. Se balancea en el borde entre varias disciplinas: arquitectura, urbanismo, sociología, ingenierías, informática y sus derivados. También el estilo es deliberadamente heterogéneo: no quería escribir un libro académico más, sino presentar en un lenguaje común, basado en mi lejana práctica como periodista, el proceso de nuestras cambiantes ciudades, del desarrollo de la Sociedad del Conocimiento. Deseo entretener tanto a los lectores como a mí misma, establecer un diálogo con los interesados sobre estos temas, vengan de las disciplinas que vengan, o de ninguna de ellas; quería enredar mi historia como investigadora con la evolución urbana en la nueva sociedad.
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...desconianza. Una mañana me telefoneó el sociólogo Denis Duclos para proponer- me un trabajo: investigar los usos y las percepciones de los centros de in...

From the start it must be said that the wolf has, at the imaginary level, a prestigious mythological file. The certain mythical dimension that he has gained in time and due to various reasons, the wolf has led to the birth of some of the most diverse cultural products. The imaginative contents (starting from such realities), infinitely more complex than the nuances, discovered and mythanalized in this study, developed in time a number of ideas, beliefs, and myths about this animal in time. In the present study, continuer of the mythological bestiary studies already published about Romanian fairy tale (bear; stag; snake), we tried to surprise and encompass all the imagery generated and reserved for the wolf. Thus, starting from the situations and the mentions from classical mythology, passing through the area of the mythfolkloric dossier dedicated to the wolf, we arrived with the analysis in the fantastic epic fantasy area, the desideratum being to discover not only the iconic-symbolic dimension but also the real-ethnological dimension of this animal. And the scenarios, myths and the subjective-objective forms in which we found the wolf in the fantastic Romanian fairytale (pandant of traditional beliefs, animal-totem, the presence of magic lycanthropic rituals, etc.), illustrates once again the important symbolic and cultural role played by this animal, with echoes up to the postmodern times of our day.
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...transumanza. Uomini e lupi di capitanatadel XIX secolo, Trento, Temi, 2013; Morten Tønnessen, Wolf Land, în Biosemiotics, nr. 3, 2010, pp. 289-297. 13 Denis Duclos, Le Complexe du Loup-garou...

The Eternal Return Interrupted: the evolution of the myth of Cythera until today
• Brigitte Le Juez
What this article explores is how themyth of Cythera is developed and returns in French literature, and to what effect, through texts selected over several centuries until today. The literary myth of Cythera illustrates the notion of eternal return through its adherence to the ancient myth of Aphrodite, but it also subverts it in a way that pessimistically defies all possibility of cyclical recurrences of sacred times and heroic deeds.
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1 recommendation
...). The Serpent and the Rainbow. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. Kindle edition. Duclos,Denis (2012). “Les Casaniers de l’Apocalypse.” Le monde diplomatique, July. URL: https...

Laurent Vannini Master 2 ¬ Arts et Langages Sous la direction de Yves Hersant
• Laurent Vannini
Le loup est un homme pour l'homme, Chronique d'une mêmification annoncée
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...collectives, Denis Duclos: "Le Complexe du loup-garou - La fascination de la violence dans la culture américaine", Ed. La Découverte, 1995, réédité en 2004. 76L'exemple de ce type le plus récent étant...

O campo está de luto: A crise da agricultura numa cidade dos pampas gaúchos. In.: Depois que a Chuva não Veio
• Carlos Valpassos
The city of Restinga Sêca, located in the south region of Brazil, has as its main sector of its economy the agriculturist production, most of all rice plantations and tobacco. In the years of 2004 and 2005, the city went through one of the longest dry periods of its history. The phenomenon was classifed, by the city people and by the local government as "drought”, which constituted an atypical happening in the south region of the country. This paper approaches the social interpretation of the drought and its influences on other problems experienced by the people of Restinga Sêca. Key-words: Society and Environment – Drought – Agro-Business – Restinga Sêca – Social Dramas
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...o Gerenciamento dos Recursos Hídricos, Fortaleza: 1997. DUCLOS, Denis. Pouvoirs et savoirs. Rivages. Paris: 2000. FINAN, Timothy J. Drought and Demagoguery: A Political Ecology of Climate...

• Virginia Fusco
Laurell Hamilton in her Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series portrays a large community of monstrous creatures that populate a violent near-future American landscape. A number of critics have already explored the forms in which Anita, the leading heroine, emerges in the 1990s literary scene as a strong figure who challenges traditional narratives of female subordination and alters predictable romantic entanglements with the male protagonists (Crawford 2014; Veldman-Genz 2011; Siegel 2007; Holland-Toll 2004). Moving beyond this approach that centres on Anita, this paper explores the forms in which the author designs her male companions and lovers. Her choice of lovers suggests that there are multiple desires at play in Hamilton's popular fiction in relation to masculinity in the context of a heterosexual erotica. Following a methodological approach of cultural studies (Saukko 2003), this study seeks to illustrate how conflicting desires, emblemized by her plurality of lovers, represent a literary effect of paradoxical yearnings at play in contemporary white, middle-class American women's lives.
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...) In The Werewolf Complex, Denis Duclos (1998) provides a key contribution to support my reading of the ways in which hard masculinity is coded in Richard, the dominant were-being. According to the...

6 From Evil Others to Evil Elites A Dominant Pattern in Conspiracy Theories Today
• Véronique Campion-Vincent
...powerless into the clutches of “the free market.” The 2002 article by sociologist Denis Duclos in the antiglobalization monthly Le Monde Diplomatique under the provocative title...

• Alejandro Linayo
• Carla Molina
Se presenta aqui la tesis de Mastría elaborada por la Criminologa Carla Molina para obtener su titulo de Msc en Gestion de Riesgos Socionaturales. Un interesante documento que evalua el cuestionalble impacto que han tenido los esfuerzos por crimnalizar la construcción de escenarios de riesgos socionaturales en los países andnos, y donde se evidencia el modo como diversos aspectos socioculturales propios del contexto de nuestra región parecieran incidir en la tipificación y castigo de este tipo de conductas. Se parte aqui de reconocer que un elemento que ha acompañado los esfuerzos por promover el enfoque de la gestión integral del riesgo de desastres en los países andinos es la aparición y/o el fortalecimiento de marcos legales y normativos empeñados en castigar la construcción social de riesgos socionaturales. En este sentido conviene reconocer que si bien es cierto que en estos países se han generado interesantes iniciativas legales para criminalizar la construcción social de riesgo de desastre, no es menos cierto y perceptible que, la mera creación y promulgación de dichas normativas penales no parecier ser suficiente para instrumentar las transformaciones que se persiguen con esas leyes. Son diversos los elementos socioculturales que promueven actualmente que el efecto de estas leyes sea practicamente nulo, y que su prescripción no proscriba en la práctica ningún comportamiento que pudiese configurarse como “desviado” y/o “delictivo”. La hipótesis del presente estudio consideró que existen ciertos procesos sociales (la percepción social del riesgo, la valoración social del mismo, y toda la cosmovisión relacionada con la construcción social de escenarios de riesgo) que impiden la efectividad de dichas leyes y que imposibilitan la vía legal para controlar la marcada construcción de riesgos socionaturales y tecnológicos que caracteriza a los modelos de desarrollo de la mayoría de estos países. El escenario expuesto invita a reflexionar sobre la pregunta: ¿cuáles han sido los esfuerzos desarrollados en los países andinos para criminalizar y penalizar la construcción social del riesgo y que elementos pudieran haber incidido en los resultados de estos esfuerzos normativos?. Estos temas son abordados aqui en el marco de una investigación documental que fue en los países andinos y de la cual pareciera constatarse que la construcción social del riesgo de desastre es una conducta desviada y delictiva cuya criminalización y penalización no disminuye la aparición de la misma, y este hecho propicia que la exaserbada generación regional de escenarios de riesgos no haya disminuido notoriamente a pesar de la aprobación de marcos legales empeñados en regular y penalizar estos procesos.
more ▾ del riesgo de desastre asociada con la percepción es desarrollada particularmente en Francia, con autores como Jean-Louis Fabiani, Jacques Thyes, Denis Duclos, Patrick Peretti-Watel, y Mary...

Pb de terminologie, grandeur et dépendance
• halluxination festival
...souligne Denis Duclos, l'arbre de défaillances (semblable à un arbre de décision) qui décrit la succession logique des événements catastrophiques...

Les Stratégies des Ressources Humaines
• zine elmoubaraki
...d’opinion (Les), Théories des crises autre travail universitaire, nº 38, Hélène Meynaud économiques (Les), nº 56, Michel Beaud. et Denis Duclos. Bernard...

Decidir sem perceber
• Paulo Granjo
Keynote speech na abertura da IV Conferência Internacional dos Centro de Estudos Africanos - UEM.
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...fábrica essas “referências societais” (como lhes chama o sociólogo Denis Duclos), falando mesmo do seu trabalho como sendo igual a trabalhar numa «mina a céu aberto», com as mesmas dificuldades, perigos e...

Urban Networks - Network Urbanism
• Jeroen van Schaick
Urban networks, network cities, networked cities and city networks are widely discussed, but there has hardly been debate on what constitutes an urbanism of networks. It is time to shift network urbanism from the realm of general debate to that of identifying the task-specific tools and techniques required for its implementation. This book does so. Urban Networks – Network Urbanism provides theoretical groundwork, historical perspective, detailed arguments and explanatory case descriptions for network-oriented thinking in developing urban and regional spatial strategies. The key argument is that the development of technical networks and urban development go hand in hand and need to be dealt with as such by urban planners. This book gives special attention to the territorial effects caused by the automobile system and to the geography of ICT. It provides pointers to deal with the huge challenges facing urban planning with regard to changes of scale, technological progress, the "two-track city", and network liberalisation. Urban Networks – Network Urbanism is a collection of key articles by Gabriel Dupuy on the relation between urban infrastructure networks and urban development. His work on ‘network urbanism’ has been a primary source in the French and Spanish speaking world for two decades and this book provides the first overview of his work in English. Dupuy’s work stands out for its concreteness and clarity. This makes his work readily applicable in the context of spatial planning.
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...sociologist Denis Duclos perceived the originality of the rurban model (Duclos, 1976). Confronted with the situation of an evolving job market in the 1960s and 1970s, the ideal of...

“Variations on an Anti-American Theme,” (with R. Stam) special issue, “Terror Wars,” in The New Centennial Review, Vol. 5:1, Spring 2005, pp. 141-178
• Ella Shohat
• Robert Stam

...recent essay by Denis Duclos—“Delires Paranoiaques et Culture de la Haine en Amerique” published in Le Monde Diplomatique in August 2003— illustrates the dangers of this kind of essentialism...

• vitor popinsky
• Georgia Melville
• Fernando Briones
Renzo Taddei e Ana Laura Gamboggi (Orgs.) Carlos Abrão Moura Valpassos • Carolina Neri Vidaurri • Chandra E. F. Morrison • Elisângela Maria de Oliveira Sousa • Érika Mesquita • Fernando Briones Gamboa • Georgia Melville • Rita Pestana • Vitor Popinsk • Zulma Amador
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...Hautes Études en Sciences, Paris: 2008. COGERH. O Caminho das Aguas: Informaçoes Básicas sobre o Gerenciamiento dos Recursos Hídricos, Fortaleza: 1997. DUCLOS, Denis. Pouvoirs et savoirs...

Les Strat gies des Ressources Humaines
• ima sa
...d’opinion (Les), Théories des crises autre travail universitaire, nº 38, Hélène Meynaud économiques (Les), nº 56, Michel Beaud. et Denis Duclos. Bernard...

L’erreur est humaine mais non professionnelle : le bûcheron et l’accident☆
• Florent Schepens
...Denis Duclos — est un mécanisme de protection qui fait partie intégrante de l’idéologie défensive de métier. « C’était un amateur, il a eu un grave accident, mais nous, en tant que professionnel...

Ética Nas Pesquisas Em Ciências Humanas e Sociais Em Saúde: Identificando Especificidades
• Fabio Zicker
• Iara C Z Guerriero
...contemporaneidade, traduzido no ultra-indivi- dualismo da sociedade absolutamente interdependente: estilo de vida, escolhas pessoais, responsabilidade, prudência, etc. . . Denis Duclos(1996, pp. 309-37...

INTERTEXT 1/2 (25/26), 2013
• Ally M raison (Latour, Bruno. Enquêtes sur les modes d'existence. Paris : La Découverte, 2012) ; DenisDuclos : Pluralité régulatrice grâce aux quatre grands pôles, très substantiels, de l’existence...

Natureza e seus usos humanos Para a história do ambiente da península da Tróia
• José Gomes Ferreira
A investigação procura ir ao encontro do passado de Tróia. Para tal, tenta não só conhecer e relatar os momentos que antecederam a chegada da Torralta à península, como ir ainda mais longe, procura conhecer o passado praticamente desde o início do séc. XX. O objectivo que prossegue é o de identificar os usos da natureza que caracterizaram cada período histórico, induzindo a uma melhor compreensão das acções que sobre o futuro se projectam ou já estão a ser realizadas. De modo a levar a efeito esses intentos assume três propostas de trabalho: - Identificar os principais usos da natureza característicos em cada período histórico; - Identificar qual ou quais os factores que impulsionaram a alteração de uso ou usos, no caso de ter ocorrido alteração; - Identificar os principais protagonistas responsáveis pela alteração aos usos.
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...consciência da vulnerabilidade’ do m pessoalmente vivido” (Duclos, 1995, 209). Mais ainda, aceita-se, a partir de Denis Duclos, que os acontecimentos mediatizáveis “uma vez ‘constituídos’ e com a...

• Ayoub Jabour
...d’opinion (Les), Théories des crises autre travail universitaire, nº 38, Hélène Meynaud économiques (Les), nº 56, Michel Beaud. et Denis Duclos. Bernard...

La Théorie de la Décision
• Tayibi Said Sondages d’opinion (Les), nº 38, Emmanuèle Reynaud. Hélène Meynaud et Denis Duclos. Sociologie de l’organisation Stratégies des ressources humaines...

O Caso da Eliminação de Resíduos Industriais Perigosos pelo Sector Cimenteiro
• José Gomes Ferreira
No âmbito da investigação dos Episódios de Conflito Ambiental a presente equipa tem, ao longo dos últimos meses, centrado a sua atenção no conflito ambiental provocado pela mudança de estratégia, por parte do XIII Governo Constitucional presidido pelo Eng. António Guterres, na gestão dos resíduos industriais perigosos. Na orientação do governo houve uma intenção deliberada de realizar um conjunto de medidas de carácter curativo para fazer face ao grave problema do passivo ambiental e dos riscos possíveis para a saúde pública provocados pelo despejo anárquico de resíduos, aspecto que tem caracterizado a paisagem industrial do nosso país nas últimas décadas. Na mesma óptica, não foram apresentadas medidas de carácter preventivo, de modo a evitar que a situação de degradação ambiental acabe por ter de ser equacionada mais tarde.
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...." De modo a justificar em parte esse tipo de comportamento, Denis Duclos considera que um "dos efeitos de sensibilização mediática quanto à precaridade do ambiente é o reforçar a...

• Pascal Engel
Il fallait bien défendre les philosophes français ( Derrida, Deleuze, Latour, Kristeva, Lacan,Badiou, et alii) contre les méchantes et bêtes attaques de Sokal dans son canular et ses livres. Je me suis dévoué. publié dans JF Mattéi et Y C Zarka di. Philosopher en français, PUF 2001
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...l’aurait pas remarqué, ce texte est presque entièrement composé de citations empruntées à Pascal Bruckner, Régis Debray, Jacques Derrida, Max Dorra, Roger Pol Droit, Denis Duclos, Didier Eribon, Vincent...

Management des Banques Ethiques
• Réda amghar
.... ' 12 Pour une approche succincte des problèmes de méthodologie dans les sciences sociales, voir en ce qui concerne la sociologie les articles de Denis Duclos (<<Où il est...

L'aportació de la bioètica al debat sobre les vacunes Un context complex
• Josep M Busquets Font
...informar els ciutadans 4. Denis Duclos. La psicosis de la gripe A. Le Monde diplomatique en i algunes recomanacions sobre aquests...

Mémoires et thèses reliés à la diversité sexuelle et la pluralité des genres
• Marie Geoffroy
...Sociologie 1 Montréal Dubé, Laurette Université McGill Management 1 Duclos, Denis Université Laval Sociologie...

• khaoula belgacem
...Traditional Values (New York: HarperCollins, ), .  Shakespeare and violence . SeeDenis Duclos, The Werewolf Complex. America’s Fascination with Violence...

La violence dans l'univers des jeunes
• Louis-Paul Willis

....). Phenomenological Approaches to Popular Culture. Bowling Green (Ohio): Bowling Green State U. Press, 2000 Duclos, Denis. Le complexe du loup-garou. Paris : Pocket, 1994 Freud, Sigmund. La vie sexuelle...

Poder y resistencia en entornos virtuales: notas para un debate sobre el fetichismo de las TIC y la desmovilización política
• Martín Mora-Martínez

...Representation, Ontario, Aperture. DUCLOS, Denis (1999), «La vie privée traquée para les technologies», Le Monde diplomatique, no. 545, Paris, agosto de 1999. FERNÁNDEZ CHRISTLIEB, Pablo (1994), La psicología...

Processus d'alerte et communication : quelles distances à franchir ?
• Laurence Créton-Cazanave
"This paper (in french, sorry) presents the main idea of the distance analysis framework. Still, it was a first shot, and I improved it a lot within the PhD Thesis... "
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...écho aux travaux de Denis Duclos sur les ouvriers de la chimie19 et la défense de l’outil de production et de l’usine quoi qu’il arrive. On a un double visage des syndicats : parfois lanceurs...

'Acendendo as luzes da ciência para iluminar o caminho do progresso': uma análise simétrica da lei de biossegurança brasileira (M.A. Thesis 2006)
• Leticia Cesarino

...GIUMBELLI, Emerson. 1995. “As concepções cristã e moderna da Pessoa: paradoxos de uma continuidade”, in: Anuário Antropológico, nº 93. DUCLOS, Denis. 1996. “Puissance et faiblesse du...

A World Made of Glass : Crime, Culture and Community in an Age of Hyper-media
• Sara Knox
...conceptualisation of community and technology, have collapsed into one another. In his book The Werewolf Complex , Denis Duclos initially defines that complex in a telling way — as "the motif of never getting...

• Ferran Izquierdo

.... 7. Véase el artículo de Denis Duclos: “Ces industries florissantes de la peur per- manente”, Le Monde Diplomatique, agosto 2005, pp. 16-17. 167 12692-Poder y felicidad (1) 26/11/07 11:58 Página 168...

“¿Geografías de lo imaginario o la dimensión imaginaria de las Geografías del Lebenswelt?”, en: Alicia Lindón y Daniel Hiernaux, Geografías de lo Imaginario, Barcelona: Anthropos, pp. 65-86. ISBN: 978-84-15260-41-7
• Alicia Lindon biografía, México: Universidad Iberoamericana [2005, Le pan biographique: Écrire une vie, París: La Découverte]. DUCLOS, Denis (1995), «Topologie de la peur», Espaces et Sociétés, n.° 78, pp...

Vendredi 28 Février 2020 - 10:57
Dimanche 8 Mars 2020 - 20:02
Denis Duclos
Lu 2371 fois

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Commander des livres de Denis Duclos (études et essais) | Commander des Romans de Denis Duclos / Order Novels by D.Duclos | Introduction aux sujets principaux/ Introduction to key topics | éléments pour une géo-anthropologie (geo-anthropology) | Théorie de la pluralité/Pluralist Theory | Séminaire " PLURALITE OU DYSTOPIE " (Présent et avenirs alternatifs de la société-monde) | Séminaire "Société-monde" de Comberouger | Eléments du séminaire anthropologie analytique/géoanthropologie (2000-2008) | L'actualité en anthropologie de la société-monde / updates on the anthropology of world-society | Géopolitique et géostratégie | Origines et dynamiques des cultures / origins and dynamics of cultures | Les conversations entre cultures / conversations between cultures | Psychisme et culture | Fonder l'anti-sociologie | Fonder les places du singulier et du familier en sciences humaines / setting up the bases of singularity and familiarity | L'actualité dans les sciences de l'homme et de la société / updates on human and social sciences | Analyses de la "grande crise contemporaine" | tueurs en série, tueurs-suicidants de masse : symptômes du Sociétal | Les "grandes peurs" :symptômes muets de désirs et de besoins humains | Histoire d'un chercheur / a researcher's story | Publications | direction de thèses | textes de D.Duclos traduits du français/ Denis Duclos' Texts translated from French (English, German, Italian, Spanish, | bibliographies des thèmes travaillés par Denis Duclos / bibliographies of subject matters studied by Denis Duclos | le programme de recherche de Denis Duclos au CNRS / Denis Duclos' research program at the CNRS | Projets de manifestations, séminaires, rencontres et colloques | Imaginary dialogues (which could have been real if anyone had responded) | questions et choix philosophiques | Prises de positions, alertes / stands, warnings,whistle blowing | Papers, réflexions, interventions, réactions, propositions... / papers, reflections, reactions, interventions, proposals | Thèmes spécifiques (ecologie, risque) / Specific subjects (ecology, risk) | Rabelaisiâneries / Rabelaisian jest
